Badshah Kitchen King Masala 100gms
About the Product
This traditional blend provides vegetable curries a lordly flavour and a gentle, suppressed flavour, allowing you to fully appreciate the "Curry" experience.
Due to the mixture's coriander and turmeric foundation, curry has a delicious golden colour.
It is the suggested mixture to make Home-bred, a beloved vegetarian food in India.
Fresh green peas with Mattar Paneer cheese.
Badhshah Kitchen King's aroma and flavour improve paneer curries and light gravies.
Get Badshah Kitchen King Masala Now
About the Product
This traditional blend provides vegetable curries a lordly flavour and a gentle, suppressed flavour, allowing you to fully appreciate the "Curry" experience.
Due to the mixture's coriander and turmeric foundation, curry has a delicious golden colour.
Fresh green peas with Mattar Paneer cheese.
Badhshah Kitchen King's aroma and flavour improve paneer curries and light gravies.
Get Badshah Kitchen King Masala Now